I can still do a fairly decent herkie during an EmKFit workout… but that I’m now a bit slower 😂 And that I forgot to put some frozen veg with my chicken this morning 😭 That means I get to have more chocolate, right?

Le Poulet avec Citron et Radis

Summertime! And the livin’s easy! And so is this bomb summery lemon-chicken dish. We love to grill more often than not when the digits climb into the 90s here in North Texas. However, you can’t always grill every single meal in the summer. When the dinner’s gotta be cooking, but the dishes and laundry are…

Spirit, Soul, and Body

Starting my week, starting my day, with the Lord is as essential as air to my lungs. He is my reason for living. My time communing with Him grounds me for the remainder of my day. Without His presence, the world would so easily pull me in every different direction. Psalm 18:2 tells us, “The Lord is…


I practice self-care by logging out for my lunchbreak every work day. I take it a step further by holding myself accountable to a 30 minute workout on that lunchbreak. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you…

First at BAT

When I eat BAT (bacon, avocado, tomato) Pasta, it instantly transports me to childhood. It reminds me of the times my sports-enthusiast father would drag us to Bobby V’s restaurant in Arlington, TX. This pasta was on the menu and I would get it every. single. time. Without exception. The crunch and saltiness of the…

I’ve Gotta Beef

“You don’t have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces—just good food from fresh ingredients.” -Julia Child We’re enjoying a cooler, later entree to Spring this year. Ok, I lied. I don’t know if we’re enjoying it as much as we’re tolerating it. Last year, this time, I was busy nursing the sunburn I gained during…


As a predominantly Type-A, unpreparedness makes me nervous. I even make packing lists for going on vacation. What if I forget something important like retainer cleaner or contact solution? Preparedness in the now, sets me up for comfort later.

A New Era

“You had better explore to Donwell,” replied Mr. Knightley. “That may be done without horses. Come, and eat my strawberries. They are ripening fast.” ‘Emma’ -Jane Austen I have been a fan of sweets since I was young, but lately we’ve been challenging ourselves to reserve sweets for one day a week only. I’m accustomed…

Half of My Heart is in Havana

I’m often inspired by the books I’m reading or the shows I’m currently binging. It’s almost like I don’t want to simply read, watch, or listen to the story… I want to absorb it into every fiber of my being. I’ve always been that way. Since I was a little girl, I have enjoyed being…

Playing Chicken

Getting a grasp on balancing full-time work, a commute, and everyday housework has sidelined one of my favorite activities. This beloved space. I have just enough time to cook, yes. Writing? There’s only so much of me to go around. At the end of the day, after my commute, after cooking and/or chores, I don’t…